Monday, May 25, 2015

A Welcome Back Blog Post

Hello, world!

Let's consider this as a welcome-back-blog-post. This blog has been hibernating for soooo da*n long. 
Why? Well it's because my google account has been compromised. I haven't been able to access this blog, let alone post some new materials here.

So, this is just a warming up. Will post some more in the near future.

Have a wonderful day, all....

*a warm hello from me and my loved ones ^_^

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Dancing Fingers

Oo... this joy of writing
It is like giving vitamins to your soul
It is like Red Bull to a sleepy eyes
It is like dancing in the rain

Oo... this joy of writing
Let me embrace the sensation
Of feeling my fingers dancing gracefully
Carving some beautiful memories into words

Oo... this joy of writing
Let me dance the night away
Along with my dancing fingers

taken from my other blog here

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Secret of Happy Life

Tahukah kamu apa inti dari hidup yang penuh kebahagiaan?
Salah satu jawabannya aku temukan dari buku yang sedang asyik kubaca, judulnya "Brain Rules for Baby" karangan John Medina (thanks to Kreshna Aditya yg udah merekomendasikan buku itu di fesbuk).
Salah satu bab dalam buku ini memaparkan rahasia dari kehidupan yang bahagia. Apakah itu?
Ternyata setelah melalui riset bertahun-tahun, dengan responden yang tidak kurang dari seorang JFK, maka ditemukanlah formulanya. T.e.r.n.y.a.t.a... orang-orang yang mengaku bahagia mempunyai satu karakteristik yang sama, yaitu.... mereka mempunyai keluarga yang solid, dan punya jaring pertemanan yang luas dan intens.
Nah, ayah-bunda, bila ingin anak-anak kita nanti bahagia...resepnya ga usah susah-susah kok... Bekalilah mereka dengan social skill yang bagus, ajaklah berteman dan ajarkan cara berteman yang baik. Dan lihatlah....mereka akan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang "kaya" dan "matang" pada waktunya nanti... ^_^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Books Digest

Dear Mommies...

Here I would like to share few of my holy books of pregnancy and parenting.
They are:
1. What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff;
2. What to Expect The First Year by Heidy Murkoff; and
3. Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina.

The books are so yummy-to-read I can't get my fingers to stop turning the pages :D
You can find practically anything you need to know on how to maintain your pregnancy, how to cope with babies' tantrums, on how to raise a smart and happy baby, on how maintain your relationship with your spouse, and everything.

I'll tell you more on each book on my next posts.
As for now, I just like to say
"Happy parenting, everyone. Life is wonderful... ^_^"

What's with the name?

Liter ate mommy...??
Lite rate mom my...??

It's actually literate mommy :)

Why literate mommy?
I'm a mommy. That's one.
I wanted to be more literate. That's two.
And of course, I want to share with other literate mommies everywhere. That's three.

Let's create a better generation together, mommies :)

Happy sharing...
And happy caring, everyone... ^_^